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[1220 유정현] RE:[1522 이채연] Absolute evolution??? Must be carried out!!!
작성자 이도형 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 95
 Actually, I have a bit different perspective. 
 Firstly, I admit that memorizing study can never be the beneficial method of learning to every student. Also, I agree with the part you said that the decrease of competition will make students take less stress. However, I don't think that the absolute evaluating system is the key to solve this. I think you already know that the absolute evaluating system is lowering the importance of CSAT, which leads to putting the interviewing system(수시) in the major way to apply for universities. In this perspective, when it comes to the stress problem of students, it cannot be resolved but will be intensified by another competition they will have. Therefore, the main problem with stress will be worse with the absolute evaluating system.
 Secondly, I disagree with your idea that CSAT cannot deliver the ability of student to the university entrance. In fact, CSAT course is designed to deliver one. The questions are delicately made to analyse whether they are acceptable to the university. Of course, there are some limits to be, but in comparison of none-transparency of interview system(수시) and the able-to-be-corrupted problems, I'd say it is rather a fair test.

유정현 - 이도형 계정으로 올립니다
이전글 [1매08박주영]- Should an absolute evaluation of the CSAT be conducted?
다음글 [1505 김하진] The absolute evaluation of the CSAT : Useless policy (1)