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[1학년 난반 6번 김지유] 답변 RE:[1515 유진명] Is absolute grading system really a perfect solution for students?
작성자 손민지 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 33

{1학년 난반 6번 김지유] I strongly agree with your opinion. The absolute evaluation shouldn’t be applied to CSAT. It’s because, as you said, the absolute evaluation can make rolling admission expand. In addition, expansion of rolling admission isn’t good to antonomous (private/public) high school or science high school of which students’ proportion of choosing CSAT screening is higher than other schools. Our school is the same. For Antonomous (private/public) high school or science high school students’ future and for our future, absolute evaluation must not be enforced! I hope government to introduce the better, a new policy. For the better world, Fighting!

이전글 [1512 오예은] I disagree conduction an absolute evaluation.
다음글 [1국24 최예린] Merits of an absolute evaluation system