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RE:[1325]황보준석 The absolute grading system of CSAT will be not good at the student
작성자 류승빈 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 39
First, I agree with your opinion, 'The absolute grading system of CSAT will be not good at the student'. Why? It's because as you said 'It's UNFAIR'. Imagine that you studied hard and you got 100. However, your friend who just play got 90. Then how would you feel? It will be so bad. Because you got a same grade with your friend. Like this, it's unfair. Therefore we have to oppose 'absolute grading system'.
이전글 [1102 김대훈]The absolute grading system of CSAT
다음글 [2404 김영기] The absolute evaluation of the CSAT is still too early.