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RE:[1502 김설아] The opposite of absolute grading system of CSAT
작성자 김윤진 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 25

[1504 김윤진]

I strongly support your opinion. If an absolute evaluation of the SAT is conducted, universities will definitely set different standards to distinguish students. This is no different than giving students another burden. In addition, private tutoring such as consulting and career planning will increase, which will discriminate against students due to economic differences in the home. In addition to the spread of private tutoring, the absolute evaluation of the SAT will increase the stress of exams in the school. So I am the same opinion as you.

이전글 2죽7 김수빈 The Absolute Evaluation Is Too Early To Us
다음글 [1102 김대훈]The absolute grading system of CSAT