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RE:[1605 김주란] What would it be like if all subjects were judged on an absolute evaluation?
작성자 임윤지 등록일 18.06.21 조회수 33

I understand that there will be a lot of burden for students if the university add an extra evaluation system because of the change in the new CSAT. But I also believe that there should be an alternative method of evaluation. CSAT can not be the perfect way to evaluate one’s abilities. There are a lot of flaws lying beneath the method of taking exams. Especially with CSAT, students memorize the typical form known to be frequently presented in the exam. It is not much to say that it is a test to examine one’s memory rather than their cogitation. Because the CSAT itself, is not the best way to evaluate one’s capacity, I argue that there should be an alterative for the university to select the ones that match their ideology of education. It may be a burden for the students temporarily, but in the long term, it is better for the students to be evaluated in different ways with multiple capacities. 

이전글 <2지20 이호> Against the absolute evaluation of the CSAT (4)
다음글 [1402김상훈] No Absolute Evaluation