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RE:[1311 박종현] The absolute grading system of CSAT : To develop The real 'ME'
작성자 황보준석 등록일 18.06.21 조회수 12
 I read your opinion, and I was so impressed. But I have a different thinking. Please don't take seriously because this thinking is just my idea.
 First you insist absolute grading system of the 'CSAT' is 'competition'. I also agree your saying. Then, we can take test with less pressure. But, using grading system is hard to distinguish good grade. If test was too easy, so many people get 1st grade. Then, we can't know who is the best people. Second, you insist about pressure. On first reason, I agree absolute grading system is good for less pressure. But I have opposite opinion. Because you said that some people can live in a good life because of good grade and other people can't live in a good life. I can't find the relationship between pressure and that living in a good life. Third, I can't think that relative grading system is unfair. Relative grading system is determining grade by rank. As mentioned above absolute grading system is having a problem. Because of easy testing. So grade 100 people and grade 90 people are same. There is a difference of five questions if one question cost 2 points.
I think that relative grading system is fair than absolute grading system.
Thank you for reading my thinking.
이전글 (1701 강남주)The Absolute Grading System of CSAT
다음글 [1728 홍경아] Duplicity of absolute grading system (1)