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[공지] 21학년도 제1회 사이버 영어 토론 한마당 개최
작성자 우주미 등록일 21.05.06 조회수 286

2021학년도 제1회 사이버 영어 토론

토론 주제 : Should the Korean government adopt the telehealth system?


Medical, teleoperated systems have witnessed tremendous growth over recent years. Their ultimate goal is to provide specialised healthcare services over long distances, effectively eliminating the need for the physician and patient to be present in the same place. If realised, this could greatly impact the quality of life of patients located in isolated areas where access to specialised medical services is limited, and enable the elderly or disabled retain their independence.

However, like any technology, virtual care has its advantages and disadvantages. While many in the industry point to virtual care as a strategy for reducing healthcare costs, raising care accessibility, and even helping to improve patient outcomes, some remain doubtful of the extent to which virtual care delivers on these promises.

Other providers may wonder whether adding virtual care to their practices is worth the time and effort. They also worry that patient privacy is not adequately protected.The most obvious disadvantages of virtual care involve the continuing need for clearer, streamlined policies and standards around telehealth practice to enable easier implementation.

The Korea government hasn’t adopted this system yet, however, due to Covid19, virtual health care has become a necessity. As a result, should the Korean government act quickly and adopt this telehealth system?


참여 시기 : 2021. 05. 06() ~ 05. 23.() 24:00까지

참여 방법 : 학교 홈페이지(www.cw.hs.kr) 로그인 학생과 영어 토론대회 2021 1회 사이버영어토론대회 “1학년혹은 “2학년클릭(자신의 소속 학년으로 클릭) 자신의 찬반토론 에세이 업로드 다른 학생(토론자)의 찬반토론 에세이에 동의 또는 반박 성격의 댓글 작성

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