2020학년도 제3회 사이버 영어 토론 공지!!!!! |
작성자 | 우주미 | 등록일 | 20.09.17 | 조회수 | 253 |
▷ 참여 시기 : 2020. 09. 14.(월) ~ 09. 27.(일) 24:00까지 ▷ 참여 방법 : 학교 홈페이지(www.cw.hs.kr) 로그인 ⇒ 학생과 ⇒ 영어 토론대회 ⇒ 2020년 제2회 사이버영어토론대회 ⇒ “1학년” 혹은 “2학년” 클릭(자신의 소속 학년으로 클릭) 후 자신의 찬반토론 에세이 업로드 및 다른 학생(토론자)의 찬반토론 에세이에 동의 또는 반박 성격의 댓글 작성 ▷ 시상 기준: Content(내용), Organization(구조), Vocabulary(어휘), Language Use(언어 사용), Mechanics(작성기술), Participation(참여도)을 채점 기준으로 설정 후 채점하도록 한다. 채점 기준의 항목 중 Participation에는 다른 학생의 글을 읽고 댓글 형식으로 토론에 참여하는 정도도 포함된다.
▷ 토론 주제 : Is it right for Korea’s Doctors to go on strike to protest medical reform plan? Doctors go on strike to protest medical reform plan
Trainee doctors working at the country's general hospitals began a strike Friday to protest the government's medical reform plan amid a surge in coronavirus infections. Recently, the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that they are going to reform the medical school system. MHW estimates Korea needs about 60,000 more doctors. “The number of doctors per 1,000 people in Korea is 2.3, which is far below the OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) average of 3.4,” said Kim Heon-joo, the ministry’s director general for health care policy. Thus, They plan to recruit some 4,000 more doctors between 2022-32, about three-quarters of whom will be deployed in rural parts of the country for at least 10 years. “The ministry, as well as the rest of the government, is convinced that expanding the medical workforce is inevitable,” the director said.
However, the medical community have strongly opposed plans to raise admission quotas at medical schools, claiming that increasing the number of new doctors will only lead to more competition and hurt the quality of treatment. Doctors insist that Korea has the best health care access among OECD member states, argues the Korean Medical Association, which represents some 130,000 doctors. Population projections show the doctor-to-patient ratio will surpass the OECD average by 2028. According to doctors and medical students, adding more doctors is the “cheapest solution” to the challenges of the country’s rural medicine.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare and the medical community have conflicts over this matter. Is it right for doctor’s to go on strike or is it wrong for doctor’s to abandon patients amid of Covid-19?
이전글 | [1309신희동] Terrible plan, but need to remember : |