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2017년 제4회 사이버영어토론대회

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2115이규민 If we can't avoid it, we are right to accept it.
작성자 이중기 등록일 17.11.24 조회수 19

Animal testing has contributed greatly to the improvement of medical technology and quality of life in human life. Animal testing has claimed that many humans saved lives and protected mankind from threats that threaten humans.The cosmetics and various biological products developed by animal experiments have ensured human health and a pleasant life. However, these animal experiments were also ethical and there were many objections, and images of animal laboratories containing cruel abuse scenes were leaked and repelled more. I also know these ethical issues and I think they are serious problems. Because I can not ignore the many benefits that animal experiments have given to humans and, moreover, to the health and life of animals, not just humans, I am in favor of animal experiments, and instead of abolishing animal experiments, I think we should move toward reducing it gradually.

 There are three reasons why I favor animal experiments. First, animal experiments lead to an unimportant benefit to humans. Based on data and facts from animal experiments such as Morgan's genealogy and Pasteur's experiments, we have learned the basics of current healthcare and have been assured of the health and life of mankind. Commercial products such as cosmetics and health aids have also helped to improve the quality of life and health of mankind. All this could have been due to animal testing, which in turn shows that animal experiments are needed. If you ignore the importance of these animal experiments and produce the products, it could lead to the loss of human lives, such as the sulphanilamide attack and the recent humidifier disinfectant incident. The second is that animal experiments may contribute to the health and life of animals, not just humans. Among the medicines produced through animal experiments, the drugs used in the veterinary medicine to be administered to animals are included. The characteristics of the experimental animals found by animal experiments are used for the treatment and protection of the animals. Of course, not all animals benefit from this benefit, but I think this part is not negligible. Finally, the fact that animal experiments are so difficult to abolish in reality is why I favor animal experiments. Currently, all pharmaceutical companies, life sciences research facilities in the world are conducting animal experiments, and the manuals of infrastructure and experiment progress are all in place. I think it is practically impossible to immediately abolish the progress of these innumerable animal experiments. If it can not be abolished in the first place, I think it is the right direction to supplement and replace animal experiments with simulation or data analysis through the development of technology and to reduce dependence on animal experiments.

 I have three reasons for objecting to animal experiments and I know that there are still ethical issues remaining. However, animal experiments around the world are using as few animals as possible, seeking as much as possible alternatives, applying the 3R rule to maximize animal welfare, and trying to make the most of ethical problems through animal experiments . This situation can be seen as an effort to solve the problem of animal experiment by preventing the wind of life time and expressing homage to the experimental animal. I understand that I am trying to supplement the ethical and practical problems of animal experimentation. I am in favor of animal experimentation because I think it is the right direction to reduce the problems and gradually reduce the dependency if the animal experiment can not be avoided.


이전글 1125 조효신 사이버영어 토론 (1)
다음글 [1국 10김해니] Animals Should Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing. (3)