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[1예 07 남인우]The right to live safely
작성자 남인우 등록일 18.04.20 조회수 1052

One day, I felt this way while watching the news; ‘Criminals are also citizens of a country, so should we protect their human rights?’ I think many people as well as I have probably thought of this idea once. So, is it a violation of legal rights to disclose the identities of criminals?

We must know that criminals are also human. So no matter how bad they are, they should not infringe their human rights. But we can limit their rights. Our country can limit the basic rights of criminals to law. So the government is able to release a certain amount of personal information as well as their right to portrait. It is also necessary for the public to release the criminals ' personal information. By doing so, they can pass more carefully as they pass through the areas where criminals reside. And this can lead to a natural reduction in crime rates.

Again, criminals are human. But since we have the right to live safely, I think it is fair to release the criminals' personal information. Criminals should not fight against the disclosure because it is a legal restriction on human rights, not a violation of human rights. Even if they don't want this situation, they can't help it. What's done cannot be undone.

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