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제1회 사이버 영어 토론 대회
작성자 청원고 등록일 16.03.25 조회수 715

참여 방법 : 학교 홈피-> 학생과 -> 영어 토론대회 에 글 올리기

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    예 :  [130 홍길동AI is the future of new technology

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시상 기준: 영어 구사력과 글의 논리, 일관성을 고려하여 채점

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300~500 단어의 분량에 미만이거나 초과하는 경우 감점


참여 시기 : 2016. 4. 1. () ~ 4. 10. () 22:00 까지

1회 토론 주제 : Artificial Intelligence: Threat or Vision for the future?

Google's AlphaGo beats Go master Lee Se-dol

Last March 12, in Seoul, the world champion of an ancient but fiendishly complicated board game Go, which is called badook in Korea, was defeated by the latest in computer technology aiming to help determine whether a machine can imitate human intuition.

South Korea's Lee Sedol, who surrendered in four of five "Go" matches against Google-owned computer program AlphaGo in Seoul on Wednesday, said he was "in shock" after the loss.

After the match, many people in the world are in shock and are afraid of this amorphous machine. Some says, AI could be a treat to people and they think AI will take our jobs. However, others see this new technology as a new tool for us to bring convenience. One internet user said, “ Whoever the winner is in this special match, human beings are the winner. Because the AlphGo is also the thing that humans made”. Like it or not, AI, which we think only exist in movies, is a real thing and what we need to face.

So, do you see AI as a threat to us or a new technology to help us?

이전글 4월 과학의 달 행사(교내 과학관련 대회) 안내
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